Special election


What is a special election?

A special election occurs when the Undergraduate Student Government has a position vacancy that needs filled outside of the primary election that occurs in the Spring Semester. This special election is for the Senator for the College of Architecture and Environmental Design. To run, you must create a platform and follow the outlined steps below!

What is a Platform?

A platform is the goals that you have for yourself in the position you are applying for. Typically platforms may not exceed 300 words and should outline your qualifications, why people should vote for you, and what you plan to do if elected into the position. Your platform will be displayed along with your headshot on the ballot.


How do i run in the special election?

1., Review the position description.

2. Review the Special Election Rules.

3. Sign and return the Candidacy Agreement to zgraves1@kent.edu.

4. Review important Special Election dates.

5. Apply to become a candidate in the Special Election.

6. Complete a Campaign Finance Report and turn it in to zgraves1@kent.edu.


Important dates

Candidate Applications due: Wednesday, September 11 at 11:59pm

Candidacy Agreements due: Friday, September 13 at 11:59pm

Special Election: Tuesday, September 17, voting open 8am-5pm

Special Election Results Announcement: Wednesday, September 18 before USG group meeting