First Year Intern Program
2023-2024 First Year Interns Amaya Rushing and Ryanne Bunting
what is the USg First Year intern Program?
“As a First Year Intern, we hope to align the experience to your area(s) of interest. In the past, our interns have worked directly with the Student Body President, Directors, and Senators on a variety of projects such as… “research on Ohio House Bills 322 and 327, creating a line of communication between Club Sports and USG, and attending conferences in other states. Being an intern requires a weekly meeting with someone in the President’s Cabinet to check on how you are doing, and to see if you need help on the projects you are working on. As a first year intern, the job wasn’t too strenuous because most of the work in completing a project was finding the right person to talk to, and getting in contact with them! A lot of the job is making connections and learning who to go to, and learning as an intern is much better than learning as a Senator or Director when you have your own projects to work on. I would say the easiest way to get settled into the role, is to be open to making mistakes and not being afraid to ask anybody for help! A big learning curve you will experience is how to manage your time and how to delegate tasks properly. I also personally think you’ll do better in this role if you have a good connection with the other interns as well! Completing tasks will be so much easier and more beneficial for the both of you, since you will both be learning from each other.” -Niko Magda (former First Year Intern)
First Year Intern Handout
First Year Intern Program Details