Application of Interest (Due 03/18/22 @11:59pm)
Complete your Application of Interest here.
This is the initial application of interest to be involved in the 2022 cycle of Kent State Undergraduate Student Governments' Change in a Flash Campus Change Idea Pitching Competition.
An outline of the program can be found here:
An example application has been provided for inspiration and clarity purposes.
Please note: This application is due on March 18th, 2022 by 11:59pm. The Change in a Flash Committee will be in touch with your feedback and official mentor pairing by March 23rd at 5pm.
If you have any questions at any time please reach out to the Director of Student Involvement- Jenna Gilbreath (
Section 1: Personal Information
What is your name?
What is your Kent email address?
What is your year in school?
What is your major?
Are you interested in participating in the Change in a Flash program as an individual or with a team?
If #5 is team then it goes to section 2:
Names of teammates
Is at least one member of your team planning to take classes at Kent State during the 2022-2023 academic year?
Section 3: Overview
Give a brief description of your campus change idea
What population does this idea serve?
How will this idea make Kent State University a better place?
Section 4: Details
Give a brief description of the budget your project may require (This does not have to be the finalized budget)
What campus and/or community stakeholders may need to be involved in making your proposal a reality? (This could be university staff, faculty, administrators, departments or offices.)
What research have you conducted in regards to this proposal?
How do you see this proposal being implemented? What action steps may need to be taken?
Final Proposal (Due 04/15/22 @11:59pm)
The Final Application will act as a checklist to ensure that your final pitch includes everything that is necessary. Please only fill out this application if we have been in contact with you about being a part of Change in a Flash for 2022.
If you have any questions at any time please reach out to the Director of Student Involvement- Jenna Gilbreath (